Hooked On The Vortex – Vortex Of Attraction Series – Episode Four (3 DVD Set)

Episode Four – Chicago, IL 10/4/09

Vortex of Attraction™ Series

Total Running Time 3 hours 35 minutes

“Hooked On The Vortex”


“Creating Your Reality By Creating Your Mood”


  • Can You Appreciate Your Varied Contrasts?
  • Most People Don’t Believe Beyond Current Conditions
  • Your Contrast Is Responsible for Your Expansion
  • Train Yourself into the Vibration of Alignment
  • The Joy You Seek is within You
  • How to Soothe the Dollar Exchange Rate
  • Abraham’s Value Is in Not Seeking “Reality”
  • If One Trader Wins Must Another Lose?
  • There Is No Greed in The Vortex
  • Contractor Had President Obama on Her Side


  • How Would Abraham Define the Word Intuition?
  • Your “Health Insurance” Is in The Vortex
  • Her Oncologist Causes Her to Suffer Fear
  • He’s Concerned His Money Will Run Out
  • How Can He Maintain Those Giggly Moments?
  • Why Does She Shake at These Events?
  • She Wants Her Skin Problem To Clear Up


  • Can She Teach “Sexuality” and Maintain Integrity?
  • How Can Artist Stop “Braking” Her Program?
  • Why Some Spiritual Teachers Disown Our Ego?
  • Feeling Better Is What You Really Want
  • Is Pushing For “Quantum Leaps” Counterproductive?
  • Has a Question about Corporate Teamwork
  • Looking For Appreciation in the Wrong Places?
  • Abraham Closes the Workshop