Dear Friends,
This Saturday we will conduct our first Vortex of Creation Workshop in the new time format in Phoenix, AZ. (Seminar 9AM to 12:50PM PDT and lunch included for in-person participants from 1 to 2PM). We will also be broadcasting our first Abraham LIVE global broadcast from this event!
Before making the decision to broadcast some of the events to a worldwide audience, we discussed it with Abraham:
Jerry: Abraham, when you speak of people around the world “participating” in the event, I wonder if that is the right word, since they won’t be in the room, raising their hand, and you won’t be able to call them to the hot seat to ask their question?
Abraham: There are always more people raising their hands indicating that they have a question than are actually called to the hot seat. But no questions are left unanswered. When you remember that you are Vibrational Beings participating in a Vibrational Universe, you then, and only then, understand that the Collective Consciousness of all who are focused with us is received, understood, and factored in to the response that we offer whether they are focused from within the meeting room or from their location on the other side of the world. It is the real time participation that counts. No one who participates by focusing as the seminar unfolds is left out.
Jerry: Abraham, would you please give us your perspective of any advantages or disadvantages of the shorter seminar format?
Abraham: The majority of your events are held on weekends, and for many people these events compete with many other things they want or need to do. Because your seminars will now end by 1PM, people will have the afternoon to do those other things.
The momentum of Energy building will begin with the first segment and continue to rise with no loss of momentum during the lunch segment. And so, there will be a noticeable advantage to moving from Segment 1, to Segment 2, to Segment 3.
Most people do not yet understand that this new time structure will yield them more physical comfort, a higher Vibrational Energy maintained throughout the gathering, and overall a fuller experience inside the Vortex. Your decision to broadcast to a worldwide audience has guided you to an even better experience for those who are sitting in the room. You will see. You will like it. And for that reason, we encourage you to restructure all of your events, not only those that will be broadcast worldwide.
So, there you have it. A new plan! Here we go! We’ll see you in (or from) Phoenix.
Our Love,
Jerry & Esther
PS If you are planning to join the LIVE broadcast via the internet, it’s a good idea to sign up prior to the starting time in order to avoid a cyber traffic jam and allow yourself time to test your technology. If you would like to attend in-person, call the office (830-755-2299) to to make a reservation.