Dear Friends,
We named our current livestream broadcasts Abraham NOW because we wanted you to understand that Abraham is speaking with us “right now” about what is happening in our personal lives and in the world! I wish I could explain to you what it feels like to look into the camera and feel Abraham looking out into the world, and with the clarity and wisdom of Source Energy and Infinite Intelligence knowing where you are and what’s on your mind. Since March, Abraham has delivered over 80 hours of the most focused, pertinent, clarifying and soothing information ever. I have to say it has been the most satisfying part of my Abraham experience.
Many of you have contacted our office regarding purchasing gifts of the Abraham NOW broadcasts for friends or loved ones. My team has now made it possible for you to easily purchase Electronic Gift Certificates and email them to the recipient of your choice.
Once your purchase is complete, the E-Gift Certificate will be emailed to you and you may simply forward the E-Gift Certificate.
All details can be found by clicking here!
Our Love,
(And Abraham and Jerry)