Health & The Law Of Attraction Cards
Abraham then holds up a deck of these beautiful affirmation cards and explains to us: “If you will do 100% of your affirming from inside the Vortex, you will discover the true leverage of the Vortex.” We know, they’ve been telling us this stuff in so many different ways but this one really hit home for us. Since then, we’ve been laughing as we catch ourselves plotting and planning and affirming a better situation when noticing something that isn’t pleasing us.
So, we have our deck of cards close at hand, and we are watching for our in the Vortex moments, and we are affirming, “from inside the Vortex” our desired outcomes, and we are feeling the incredible power of what Abraham has written on these cards.
About the Author
Esther and Jerry Hicks produce and present the leading-edge Abraham-Hicks teachings on the art of allowing our natural Well-Being to come forth. They present Law of Attraction workshops in up to 60 cities a year.