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December 2012



Dear Friends, I just love today’s date—12/12/12. The Quarterly Journal (which we are affectionately calling “The Occasional Journal” is now in the hands of our printer and it will be mailed out to you soon. [...]


November 2012

Abraham Tour Ends in Phoenix


Hi Everyone, We’ll be wrapping up our Abraham 2012 tour this coming Saturday in Phoenix and while it will only be a few weeks before we begin our 2013 workshops, there is always something special [...]

Abraham Tour Ends in Phoenix2012-11-28T15:12:51-05:00

The Mediterranean Vortex of Attraction Cruise!


Dear Friends, When you click on the link below and read the itinerary for this amazing cruise that we have planned for next fall, you will understand why we are all so excited about this [...]

The Mediterranean Vortex of Attraction Cruise!2012-11-02T15:42:17-05:00

October 2012

Whoops. We forgot to tell you…


Dear Friends, Six of us drove together from Asheville to Atlanta today. What a beautiful drive and we really had fun! As we stepped into the hotel in Atlanta I realized that we had failed [...]

Whoops. We forgot to tell you…2012-10-26T00:58:13-05:00

Abraham in Washington, DC – (Arlington, VA)


Dear Friends, We are having a wonderful time making our way down the east coast for this run of Abraham events. The weather has been wonderful, the leaves are turning and we’re all in the [...]

Abraham in Washington, DC – (Arlington, VA)2012-10-17T15:51:35-05:00

Abraham et al. Headed for Stamford


Dear Friends, I like thinking about our Abraham-Hicks Production road team assembling in Stamford, CT this weekend. Most of us are coming from places that don’t experience much in the way of seasonal changes (Texas, [...]

Abraham et al. Headed for Stamford2012-10-09T15:32:19-05:00

September 2012

Happily Headed for Boston!


Dear Friends, Just now I was making a list of things that I really need/want to do immediately! And then I was thinking that while I really do want to do all of the things [...]

Happily Headed for Boston!2012-09-26T16:38:29-05:00

Video Clip & Chicago Details For This Weekend!


Dear Friends, We are so enjoying these leading-edge seminars! Every now and again we have a remarkable segment that takes us to entirely new levels of understanding. This video clip is certainly one of those [...]

Video Clip & Chicago Details For This Weekend!2012-09-20T18:07:54-05:00

We're coming to Denver, CO!


Dear Friends, We'll be in Denver, CO this Saturday! A special note for our online audience: We are using a new system for delivering Abraham LIVE to our online attendees. If you plan to attend [...]

We're coming to Denver, CO!2012-09-11T16:21:19-05:00

August 2012

Fast Summer, Fast Cars, Portland Event AND NEW VIDEO CLIP!


Dear Friends, In the last two days I’ve heard several different people in several different places exclaim, “It’s August already! This summer has gone by so fast! Where did it go?” I know exactly where [...]

Fast Summer, Fast Cars, Portland Event AND NEW VIDEO CLIP!2012-08-07T22:28:30-05:00
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