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October 2013

We Are Livestreaming From Atlanta, GA This Saturday!


Dear Friends, We are livestreaming this Saturday's workshop from Atlanta, Georgia! If you would like to join us for the livestream, Click Here or join us in person by calling the office at 830-755-2299 With [...]

We Are Livestreaming From Atlanta, GA This Saturday!2013-10-24T10:08:21-05:00

Fall And Expansion Are In The Air In Philadelphia!


Dear Friends, We love being on the East coast at this wonderful time of year and we love meeting with leading-edge creators as we keep finding new clarity about creating our own reality. If you [...]

Fall And Expansion Are In The Air In Philadelphia!2013-10-16T21:07:07-05:00

Watch Abraham in Washington, D.C.!


Dear Friends, We are livestreaming this Saturday's workshop in Washington, D.C. to the world! If you would like to join us for the livestream, Click Here or join us in person by calling the office [...]

Watch Abraham in Washington, D.C.!2013-10-10T11:22:25-05:00

Abraham and Wayne Dyer SOLD OUT – but we have good news for you!


Dear Friends, On November 13, 2013 Wayne Dyer and Abraham will sit together at the Anaheim Convention Center for what I expect to be an amazing mastermind conversation. I’m so excited about it! The event [...]

Abraham and Wayne Dyer SOLD OUT – but we have good news for you!2013-10-07T15:50:24-05:00

Hot Seat Highlights and Boston This Weekend :)


Dear Friends, Sometimes I hesitate to send you a message because I don’t want to bombard you with too much stuff (they don’t call me Esther Pester for nothin’) but then I remembered that you’re [...]

Hot Seat Highlights and Boston This Weekend :)2013-10-02T14:46:45-05:00

September 2013

Co-create with Infinite Intelligence in Stamford this Saturday?


Dear Friends, It did feel like we pushed the re-set button during our amazing Mediterranean Cruise which has produced in me incredible eagerness for the seminar this coming Saturday in Stamford, CT. I so love [...]

Co-create with Infinite Intelligence in Stamford this Saturday?2013-09-25T10:16:32-05:00

August 2013

Chicago Seminar Livestreamed This Saturday!


Dear Friends, Just a quick reminder that this week's Abraham-Hicks Workshop in Chicago, IL will be livestreamed. To join us online Click Here. Your Abraham LIVE Team

Chicago Seminar Livestreamed This Saturday!2013-08-29T21:20:42-05:00

Alaska and The "Fun Loving Otters Of The Universe"


Dear Friends, We have the extremely good fortune of being able to secure another beautiful ship for another cruise to Alaska next summer. Of all of the wonderful things that we all get to do [...]

Alaska and The "Fun Loving Otters Of The Universe"2013-08-28T05:12:33-05:00

It's Important To Relax And Have More Fun!


Dear Friends, I remember walking off the stage in Boca Raton, FL and knowing that something really wonderful had just happened. And thinking, I want to make a note of this outstanding morning – we [...]

It's Important To Relax And Have More Fun!2013-08-22T21:41:52-05:00

Add To Or Benefit From Denver Momentum…


Dear Friends, We hold an Abraham seminar just about every Saturday and then I have the wonderful job of listening back to the entire seminar to place the track titles for those who order the [...]

Add To Or Benefit From Denver Momentum…2013-08-15T11:19:06-05:00
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