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May 2017

Abraham In Boston This Saturday!


Dear Friends, I am so happy that my wonderful Abraham-Hicks Publications team and I are heading to Boston this weekend for another co-creative experience. I love this feeling of being on the brink of new [...]

Abraham In Boston This Saturday!2017-05-03T11:34:41-05:00

April 2017

Abraham In Atlanta This Coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, We are having extraordinary leading-edge co-creation with Abraham these days. We’ll be in Atlanta this weekend and, as always, we look forward to co-creating with all of you. If you would like to [...]

Abraham In Atlanta This Coming Saturday!2017-04-26T11:26:44-05:00

Abraham In Asheville This Weekend!


Dear Friends, This coming Saturday/Sunday we will hold a rare two-day Abraham event in Asheville, NC. It is such a beautiful place! We will meet with Abraham each morning; we will enjoy a glorious buffet [...]

Abraham In Asheville This Weekend!2017-04-19T11:12:05-05:00

Abraham In San Antonio This Coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, So happy to say that Abraham will be conducting a workshop in our home town of San Antonio this coming Saturday. Just thinking about it makes me smile as I remember our happy [...]

Abraham In San Antonio This Coming Saturday!2017-04-05T11:18:33-05:00

March 2017

Cruise With Abraham – Caribbean 2018!


Dear Friends, Abraham has been talking a lot these days about “getting ready to be ready.” They have been explaining, of course, about how the Law of Attraction works, and about how “momentum” and the [...]

Cruise With Abraham – Caribbean 2018!2017-03-30T13:47:19-05:00

Abraham, Esther And Team All Headed For Orlando!


Dear Friends, I am so happy that we are returning to Orlando this coming Saturday for our Abraham workshop. It’s been a while since we’ve been in this beautiful place with these beautiful people. My [...]

Abraham, Esther And Team All Headed For Orlando!2017-03-22T11:36:49-05:00

February 2017

Abraham, In Sacramento, At Last!


Dear Friends, I remember Jerry sitting at his desk with a protractor and a map of the United States, drawing circles all over the map, trying to figure out how we could bring Abraham within [...]

Abraham, In Sacramento, At Last!2017-02-15T12:43:18-05:00

Abraham In San Rafael This Weekend!


Dear Friends, When I was growing up, living with my parents, there was a really nice young couple with three sweet children who lived next door. I was their usual babysitter, and I loved being [...]

Abraham In San Rafael This Weekend!2017-02-08T13:25:35-05:00

Abraham in San Francisco on Saturday!


Dear Friends, I sat down with my computer this morning, intending to write you a note and thinking I would tell you about the beautiful blue-skied day we are having here in Southern California, but [...]

Abraham in San Francisco on Saturday!2017-02-01T12:17:34-05:00

January 2017

Abraham in Glendale, CA this coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, We will be in Glendale this coming Saturday for another life-changing event with Abraham. If you decide to join us, I know that you will be glad. And I know that Abraham will [...]

Abraham in Glendale, CA this coming Saturday!2017-01-25T15:04:50-05:00
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