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March 2019

A B R A H A M will be in Atlanta this coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you? And the wonderful things that you continue to ask Abraham to explain? And how much I like flying around to the cities of [...]

A B R A H A M will be in Atlanta this coming Saturday!2019-03-20T14:16:01-05:00

A B R A H A M in Fort Lauderdale, FL this coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, It always feels like a delicious holiday when we are Florida bound! We will be in Fort Lauderdale, FL this coming Saturday. Jerry and I decided a long time ago that the path [...]

A B R A H A M in Fort Lauderdale, FL this coming Saturday!2019-03-20T16:27:55-05:00

February 2019

A B R A H A M in Orlando, FL this coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, I love thinking about the convergence of so many deliberate creators gathering with Abraham in Orlando! It’s a wonderful world we are living in that makes it possible for us to meet together [...]

A B R A H A M in Orlando, FL this coming Saturday!2019-02-27T14:07:10-05:00

A B R A H A M In Austin This Coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, I remember watching Jerry plan our Abraham event schedule with clear-eyed attention to the weather. Since we carry our audio/video equipment from city to city by van, the weather is important. I’ve followed [...]

A B R A H A M In Austin This Coming Saturday!2019-02-20T14:42:32-05:00

January 2019

A B R A H A M will be in San Francisco this coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, We’ll be in San Francisco this coming Saturday with Abraham and you! I like this so much.  We didn’t hold a seminar last Saturday and I am feeling especially eager to get together [...]

A B R A H A M will be in San Francisco this coming Saturday!2019-01-30T15:08:53-05:00

A B R A H A M in Long Beach THIS SATURDAY!


Dear Friends, I feel a sense of eager anticipation about the unfolding of our Long Beach conversation with Abraham this coming Saturday. There is so much going on around us, and as a result so [...]

A B R A H A M in Long Beach THIS SATURDAY!2019-01-16T14:28:20-05:00

A B R A H A M In Los Angeles This Coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, I am happy wherever I am, but I am noticing extra eagerness as I gather things; make plans; and head west. California, what is it about you that makes me feel this way? [...]

A B R A H A M In Los Angeles This Coming Saturday!2019-01-09T16:42:13-05:00

A B R A H A M In San Diego This Coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, I wrote in my appointment book yesterday, “Happy New Beginning!” I really do love moving in to a new year. As I was writing the words on the page I heard Abraham clearly [...]

A B R A H A M In San Diego This Coming Saturday!2019-01-02T16:46:32-05:00

December 2018

California, Here We Come!


Dear Friends, I am so looking forward to our event in Phoenix this coming Saturday. While our meeting room is wonderful, and very large, that event is now completely full. Phoenix is such a special [...]

California, Here We Come!2018-12-06T14:04:46-05:00

November 2018

A B R A H A M In Amsterdam – Two-Day Event August 2019!


Dear Friends, There is nothing in the world I love more than bringing Abraham to you! And there is nothing that I love more than the experience of Abraham pouring through me in conversation (both [...]

A B R A H A M In Amsterdam – Two-Day Event August 2019!2018-12-05T17:08:11-05:00
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