Abraham's Law of Attraction Message Evolves Along with the Workshop Delivery Method
admin2011-09-02T17:01:25-05:00September 2nd, 2011|
Dear Friends, We always want to strike the perfect balance in letting you know something that is of value or interest to you without adding unnecessarily to the influx of information flowing into your lives. For many years we have [...]
Adjusting Your Altitude To Shift Your Direction – A Metaphor for Living in Ease and Flow
admin2011-08-19T12:11:16-05:00August 19th, 2011|
Dear Friends, Often in the late afternoon and evenings you will see brilliantly colored, happiness inspiring, hot air balloons up overhead. They lift off north of us not far from I-5 and land not far from where we live. After [...]
Come Play in the Vortex with "A" in L.A. – Bring Your Own Vibe (BYOV) to the Los Angeles Workshop on July 30, 2011
admin2011-07-26T19:15:17-05:00July 26th, 2011|
. Dear Friends, We have been enjoying summer time in Del Mar and all the different family members and friends who have been popping in as part of their summer vacation travels. The energy of a space is so uplifted [...]
admin2011-07-09T05:45:24-05:00July 9th, 2011|
Dear Friends, We so much appreciate all the inquiries and love that you have been sending our way and we wanted to give you a quick update. We’re going to fly to Del Mar on Monday for the next phase [...]
Greetings from Abraham Alaska Cruise – Expansion Discussions at Sea About Global Expansion Online
admin2011-06-30T21:39:11-05:00June 30th, 2011|
Hi Everyone, At dinner last evening (on our Alaskan cruise) some long-time friends and Abraham students were talking about the never-ending and extremely satisfying expansion of Abraham’s message—or of OUR understanding of the message. We were speculating that our satisfaction [...]
The Energy of Abraham With Jerry in San Antonio – More LIVE Workshop Broadcasts Added to the Workshop Schedule
admin2011-06-02T14:36:05-05:00June 2nd, 2011|
Dear Friends, We are getting such wonderful response from people around the planet who are enjoying being able to watch the live broadcast of our events that we have decided to add a few more to our schedule. It’s [...]
What's up with Jerry and Abraham LIVE Global Broadcast from Stamford, CT this Saturday!
admin2011-05-25T16:02:44-05:00May 25th, 2011|
Hey Guys, This is Jerry. First I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your messages both telepathically and emaily of encouragement and good cheer. Next, Abraham and I have discussed the chain of thought that brought this about [...]
Announcing: Abraham-Hicks 2012 Hawaiian Cruise, the Spring Workshop Tour 2011, and the Next Abraham LIVE Broadcast
admin2011-05-04T13:10:58-05:00May 4th, 2011|
Dear Friends, In a couple of days we’ll be leaving our beautiful Texas haven to begin our fastest, funnest seminar tour yet: Well be stopping first in Austin, then Dallas, then Atlanta, then Asheville, then Washington DC, then Philadelphia [...]
We are going to do THAT again! – What Abraham Says about Abraham LIVE Workshop Broadcasts
admin2011-04-26T17:27:08-05:00April 26th, 2011|
Last week we were in Tucson Arizona, making our way back to our family and friends and home and offices in San Antonio. It’s on beautiful days like that one with spring in full desert bloom and birds singing all [...]
Unveiling Our New Workshop Format in Phoenix
admin2011-04-08T10:25:55-05:00April 8th, 2011|
Dear Friends, This Saturday we will conduct our first Vortex of Creation Workshop in the new time format in Phoenix, AZ. (Seminar 9AM to 12:50PM PDT and lunch included for in-person participants from 1 to 2PM). We will also be [...]