Abraham In Long Beach, CA This Saturday!
admin2017-08-08T11:56:32-05:00August 8th, 2017|
Dear Friends, Our Abraham-Hicks Publications road team (which of course includes, Abraham and our non-physical friends and me) are making our way to Long Beach for another spectacular rendezvous this coming Saturday. A few weeks ago Abraham told our Buffalo [...]
Abraham in Glendale, CA This Saturday!
admin2017-08-01T13:52:30-05:00August 1st, 2017|
Dear Friends, Abraham will be in Glendale, CA this coming Saturday! I know it will be leading-edge co-creation for us all. Come play with us if you can by clicking here and scrolling down to the event or call the [...]
Abraham In Seattle This Coming Saturday!
admin2017-06-28T11:06:05-05:00June 28th, 2017|
Seattle here we come! Dear Friends, I love summertime so much! And a beautiful summer day in Seattle is the very best. Many years ago, Jerry and I were in Seattle having lunch in a revolving restaurant at the top [...]
Abraham In Portland, OR This Coming Saturday
admin2017-06-21T12:07:30-05:00June 21st, 2017|
Dear Friends, I can feel a beautiful experience with Abraham converging in Portland, OR this coming Saturday. Abraham continues to find more ways to help us understand the powerful laws of the Universe and how we live within them, and [...]
We're Coming With Our Stuff To Denver!
admin2017-06-14T13:48:18-05:00June 14th, 2017|
Dear Friends, I love thinking about how we are heading for Denver! Our Abraham-Hicks Road Team comes from several different cities and so do our seminar participants! And then there is the gathering of our nonphysical friends who I have [...]
Abraham In Chicago This Coming Saturday!
admin2017-05-31T10:44:57-05:00May 31st, 2017|
Good morning, I woke up in the Rocky Mountains this morning, as I am making my way out to Chicago for another notoriously wonderful Chicago Abraham event. As I left the paved trail onto a narrow path that disappeared into [...]
Abraham In Buffalo, NY This Saturday!
admin2017-05-24T14:40:48-05:00May 24th, 2017|
Dear Friends, We will be in Buffalo, NY this coming Saturday for another co-creative experience with Abraham. If you would like to join us, please click here and scroll down to the event or call the office at 830-755-2299. Our [...]
Abraham In Stamford, CT This Coming Saturday!
admin2017-05-10T11:29:47-05:00May 10th, 2017|
Dear Friends, As I write a note to you, nearly every week, letting you know about the seminar coming up on the weekend, I understand that most of you are not in the vicinity of the event and are probably [...]
Abraham In Boston This Saturday!
admin2017-05-03T11:34:41-05:00May 3rd, 2017|
Dear Friends, I am so happy that my wonderful Abraham-Hicks Publications team and I are heading to Boston this weekend for another co-creative experience. I love this feeling of being on the brink of new revelations, realizations and clarity, and [...]
Abraham In Atlanta This Coming Saturday!
admin2017-04-26T11:26:44-05:00April 26th, 2017|
Dear Friends, We are having extraordinary leading-edge co-creation with Abraham these days. We’ll be in Atlanta this weekend and, as always, we look forward to co-creating with all of you. If you would like to join us, please click here [...]