admin2021-12-08T14:18:06-05:00December 8th, 2021|
Dear Friends, We have just added a new way of submitting your questions to Abraham when you are participating in the Abraham NOW live broadcasts. You can still submit your question in writing as we have been doing for [...]
A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast — December Schedule
admin2021-12-01T13:20:53-05:00December 1st, 2021|
Dear Friends, I am so enjoying the entire experience of the Abraham NOW broadcasts. In the moment that I focus on writing my reminder email to you, letting you know the upcoming date for the next one, I can [...]
A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/27/21
admin2021-11-24T11:58:10-05:00November 24th, 2021|
Dear Friends, I'm getting ready to watch last Saturday's broadcast. It is a different experience for you (while it is happening) than it is for me. I get the full beneficial impact when I watch the replay. I sense [...]
A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/20/21
admin2021-11-17T12:03:38-05:00November 17th, 2021|
Dear Friends, I have decided that I am a big fan of focus. I can find no downside, at all, to the act of focusing (well, that is, unless I am focused on unwanted). I believe I can actually [...]
Sail With ABRAHAM in the Eastern Caribbean!
admin2021-11-10T13:20:49-05:00November 10th, 2021|
Dear Friends, Anticipation is such a delicious thing. Our planet is so beautiful, and I am so eager and ready to move about again and feast my eyes on these beautiful places and play with you beautiful friends. For [...]
A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/13/21
admin2021-11-09T11:49:30-05:00November 9th, 2021|
Dear Friends, I actually have quite a bit I need/should do today. I have been mostly inactive for a couple of weeks since shingles bubbled up and took me down. Did I suggest to you that you do not [...]
A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/6/21
admin2021-11-03T11:31:27-05:00November 3rd, 2021|
Dear Friends, I am so glad to let you know that we will broadcast another live Abraham Now discussion this coming Saturday, November 6, 2021. I am really looking forward to this. If you would like to join us, click [...]
admin2021-10-20T11:53:51-05:00October 20th, 2021|
Dear Friends, This coming Saturday we will broadcast another Abraham NOW workshop. I feel extra eager about it! I feel so fortunate that while we are living these incredibly fast-paced lives, with so much interaction with so many people [...]
Correction: A B R A H A M N O W this coming Saturday, 10/2/21
admin2021-09-29T10:30:29-05:00September 29th, 2021|
Dear Friends, I've been saying for a while now, that I am a pointer. I have been enjoying making decisions and then pointing at results and the Universe has been helping me out in amazing ways. What wonderful co-creative [...]
Upcoming A B R A H A M N O W broadcast, Saturday, 9/25/21
admin2021-09-22T13:54:17-05:00September 22nd, 2021|
Dear Friends, I woke up this morning with the realization that over the past few months, I’ve been on a road trip, on multiple airplanes, on a cruise ship for our Alaskan Cruise, in four different time zones, and [...]