A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this Saturday, March 26, 2022
admin2022-03-23T11:37:07-05:00March 23rd, 2022|
Dear Friends, Are you noticing that your life reflects back to you things that exactly match the way you are trending? This should not be a surprise to me given Abraham has been explaining it in a million different [...]
Our Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction Alaskan Cruise – July 8 to July 15, 2022
admin2022-03-22T22:26:35-05:00March 22nd, 2022|
Dear Friends, Many years ago, Jerry and I had booked an event at a beautiful facility in Northern California. It would be our first big event that spanned a few days and there were about 800 people who were [...]
A B R A H A M N O W live, this coming Saturday, March 19, 2022
admin2022-03-16T11:12:54-05:00February 26th, 2022|
Dear Friends, I played a fun game with myself this morning. The game is: In what ways could my life be better? I was a little surprised that a rather long list came streaming out of my mind. Many [...]
A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast next Saturday, 2/19/22
admin2022-02-16T12:20:11-05:00February 16th, 2022|
Dear Friends, Abraham has been telling us for a long time: "When you stop doing that thing you do, your resistance will cease and you will be in alignment." or "When you stop holding your cork under the water, [...]
A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this Saturday, 2/12/22
admin2022-02-09T12:11:30-05:00February 2nd, 2022|
Dear Friends, Lately, after meditation each morning, I've been making a list of the current most noteworthy aspects of my life, and then rating them from 1 to 10. Since I have been deliberately focusing on the best-feeling aspects [...]
A B R A H A M N O W incredible discussions continue, Saturday, 1/29/22
admin2022-01-26T13:07:01-05:00January 26th, 2022|
Dear Friends, In our first days and weeks of receiving Abraham, we sat several times every day and Jerry would ask questions. I called him, "The Question Asker of the World!" He had so many questions. At first, it [...]
A B R A H A M N O W Broadcast this coming Saturday, 1/22/22
admin2022-01-20T12:40:21-05:00January 20th, 2022|
Dear Friends, As I sat here contemplating this email note to you I experienced the most wonderful sensation. I could feel everything that I have lived, and everything that is happening in the world right now, and all that [...]
A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, January 15, 2022
admin2022-01-12T11:37:50-05:00January 12th, 2022|
Dear Friends, When Jerry and I were first married we purchased a 30-foot RV. It was not a diesel pusher (big diesel engine in the back of the bus). It was a gas-fired engine (no computers in vehicles at [...]
A B R A H A M N O W On A Powerful Roll — Saturday, 1/8/22
admin2022-01-05T12:05:08-05:00January 5th, 2022|
Dear Friends, Over time, because of the things we have been focused on, in our personal lives and in the world, we have elicited from Abraham a never-ending stream of answers to our questions; suggestions of processes; and new [...]
A B R A H A M N O W broadcast schedule changes!
admin2021-12-22T11:46:08-05:00December 22nd, 2021|
Dear Friends, It is a bright and beautiful day in San Antonio and my heart is singing in happy anticipation of wonderful things coming. Some specific things and also larger, more general things. It's just a powerful sense of [...]