Abraham-Hicks 2025 Workshop Schedule
admin2025-03-19T16:41:40-05:00March 19th, 2025|
Dear Friends, Planning, intending, visualizing, segment intending - are all big parts of my daily life. I am so amazed by the power of simply taking my journal or appointment book and writing down my next decisions, intentions, and [...]
ABRAHAM NOW broadcast Wednesday, 3/12/25
admin2025-03-10T10:33:55-05:00March 10th, 2025|
Dear Friends, I am looking forward to your questions and videos that you will send in for this broadcast. I really appreciate how your life focuses such important questions in you and that you bring them to this conversation [...]
ABRAHAM workshop in Phoenix, Saturday, 3/8/25 (IT ALL STARTED HERE!)
admin2025-03-05T12:34:34-05:00March 5th, 2025|
Dear Friends, Our very first Abraham experiences happened in Phoenix and so returning there for a workshop is always the BEST for me! I am so happy to be going there and I am so eager to see you. [...]
Time to decide is now for last two Abraham-Hicks 2025 cruises!
admin2025-03-03T12:25:03-05:00March 3rd, 2025|
Dear Friends, The core tenet of Abraham’s message to us is about our point of attraction. It takes a while of observing one’s own life to realize that is our superpower, but once we really do understand how to [...]
ABRAHAM NOW broadcast Wednesday, 2/26/25
admin2025-02-24T13:21:30-05:00February 24th, 2025|
Dear Friends, I am feeling frisky and full of myself from a series of events and processes and new insights. I can hardly wait until Wednesday’s (February 26, 2025) Abraham Now broadcast. It is my powerful wish that I [...]
ABRAHAM in San Francisco, CA (Burlingame) — Saturday 2/22/25!
admin2025-02-18T12:07:35-05:00February 18th, 2025|
Dear Friends, For quite a while when I would write this note to you to remind you of an up-coming Abraham event in a familiar city, in a familiar hotel — my mind would fill with memories of those [...]
ABRAHAM Workshop in Long Beach, this Saturday, 2/8/25
admin2025-02-04T13:06:50-05:00February 4th, 2025|
Dear Friends, Nothing feels better than walking into a space with many other people who, like you, are looking for the good feeling that only comes from being in alignment. That’s what you will experience when you join us [...]
Abraham NOW – This Wednesday, Jan. 29th!
admin2025-01-27T10:29:21-05:00January 27th, 2025|
Dear Friends, This Wednesday, January 29th we will be having another Abraham NOW broadcast. I always look forward to these meaningful conversations with you and Abraham. If you would like to join us in what I know will be [...]
ABRAHAM WORKSHOP in Los Angeles, CA, this Saturday 1/25/25!
admin2025-01-21T13:10:48-05:00January 21st, 2025|
Dear Friends, I like it when a reminder pops up in my phone or computer reminding me of something I had previously intended, but then got sidetracked from, and it is in that spirit that I write this note [...]
ABRAHAM NOW broadcast this Wednesday, 1/15/25!
admin2025-01-13T11:24:53-05:00January 13th, 2025|
Dear Friends, I am so looking forward to all the things that Abraham will help to clarify during the broadcast this coming Wednesday, 1/15/25. Their helpful, clarifying and empowering focus always leaves us feeling steadier and surer and readier [...]