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So far admin has created 511 blog entries.

May 2011

Announcing: Abraham-Hicks 2012 Hawaiian Cruise, the Spring Workshop Tour 2011, and the Next Abraham LIVE Broadcast


  Dear Friends, In a couple of days we’ll be leaving our beautiful Texas haven to begin our fastest, funnest seminar tour yet: Well be stopping first in Austin, then Dallas, then Atlanta, then Asheville, [...]

Announcing: Abraham-Hicks 2012 Hawaiian Cruise, the Spring Workshop Tour 2011, and the Next Abraham LIVE Broadcast2011-05-04T13:10:58-05:00

April 2011

Unveiling Our New Workshop Format in Phoenix


Dear Friends, This Saturday we will conduct our first Vortex of Creation Workshop in the new time format in Phoenix, AZ. (Seminar 9AM to 12:50PM PDT and lunch included for in-person participants from 1 to [...]

Unveiling Our New Workshop Format in Phoenix2011-04-08T10:25:55-05:00

Abraham LIVE Web Broadcast – You're Invited!


Dear Friends, After beta testing, adjusting, and beta testing again, we are excited to announce the first official global Abraham LIVE internet broadcast! (We think we can literally hear the cheers around the world.) Approximately [...]

Abraham LIVE Web Broadcast – You're Invited!2011-04-07T09:26:20-05:00

March 2011

"Abraham LIVE" Coming Soon!


Hi Everyone, This gorgeous sunny southern California day is especially beautiful to us after a few days of rain. We stood on the cliffs of Torrey Pines State Park yesterday looking at the beautiful Pacific [...]

"Abraham LIVE" Coming Soon!2011-03-02T11:00:51-05:00

February 2011

On a California Vortex of Attraction Workshop Roll


Dear Friends, The Australian/New Zealand cruise cracked open another new wave of leading edge information gushing forth from Abraham, and it has been evolving still further in our California workshops in West Los Angeles and [...]

On a California Vortex of Attraction Workshop Roll2011-02-10T08:46:24-05:00

January 2011

Back in Sunny California


Dear Friends, We have returned from Australia, to 65 degrees and sunny southern California, refreshed and eager for more. Often, as we travel around this beautiful planet, we have a very strong “wish [...]

Back in Sunny California2011-01-27T10:53:38-05:00

December 2010

Vortex of Attraction Cruising – Co-creation at its Planetary Best!


Dear Friends,  We’re making our lists (and checking them twice) to make sure we have everything in our suitcases for our cruise to Australia/New Zealand coming up in less than a month! The cruise is [...]

Vortex of Attraction Cruising – Co-creation at its Planetary Best!2010-12-15T10:07:50-05:00

Meditation Download Now Available!


Dear Friends, Our book launch for “Getting into the Vortex Meditation CD and User Guide” occurred on November 15, 2010.  It far exceeded the expectations of our publisher and the bookstores, and it sold out [...]

Meditation Download Now Available!2010-12-02T14:05:54-05:00

November 2010

The Big One


Dear Friends,  It was fun to feel Abraham’s enthusiasm for the benefit that their new Meditation CD offers for so many of us. Take a look at this clip, “The Big One,” from our Austin [...]

The Big One2010-11-19T10:11:45-05:00
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