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So far admin has created 511 blog entries.

September 2011

Greater Expansion and Deeper Appreciation As Abraham Heads to Washington, DC – Still More to Experience After All These Years!


  Dear Friends, One of the messages that we've been enjoying hearing from Abraham in the past few workshops is "The feeling is the manifestation." It's so simple and so profound at the same time. [...]

Greater Expansion and Deeper Appreciation As Abraham Heads to Washington, DC – Still More to Experience After All These Years!2011-09-22T18:15:33-05:00

Strong Desire and the Law of Attraction Bring the Teachings of Abraham&#8482 to Stamford, CT and Around the World


Dear Friends, This Saturday we’re bringing Abraham to Stamford, CT. Actually, we think that YOU are the ones who are bringing Abraham to Stamford because they will be there in response to the things that [...]

Strong Desire and the Law of Attraction Bring the Teachings of Abraham&#8482 to Stamford, CT and Around the World2011-09-15T18:23:38-05:00

August 2011

July 2011


Dear Friends, We so much appreciate all the inquiries and love that you have been sending our way and we wanted to give you a quick update. We’re going to fly to Del Mar on [...]


June 2011

Greetings from Abraham Alaska Cruise – Expansion Discussions at Sea About Global Expansion Online


Hi Everyone, At dinner last evening (on our Alaskan cruise) some long-time friends and Abraham students were talking about the never-ending and extremely satisfying expansion of Abraham’s message—or of OUR understanding of the message. We [...]

Greetings from Abraham Alaska Cruise – Expansion Discussions at Sea About Global Expansion Online2011-06-30T21:39:11-05:00

May 2011

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