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So far admin has created 512 blog entries.

September 2014

Watch our London Event via Livestream!


Dear Friends, My mom is so excited and eagerly anticipating her trip to London and the amazing event that she can feel is already under way! The event at the O2 sold out almost immediately, [...]

Watch our London Event via Livestream!2014-09-11T12:04:02-05:00

Join us this Saturday in Chicago, IL!


Dear Friends, The Abraham-Hicks team is back in Chicago, IL for our late summer workshop! We look forward to the continuation of expanded thought and clarity at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook. Join us if [...]

Join us this Saturday in Chicago, IL!2014-09-03T14:55:00-05:00

Alaska 2015 Abraham-Hicks Cruise


Dear Friends, Another cruise! “Why so many?” someone asked me the other day. I thought for a moment and then a stream of thoughts began: Because it is so much fun… Because we all love [...]

Alaska 2015 Abraham-Hicks Cruise2014-09-02T14:02:56-05:00

August 2014

Join Us In Denver, CO This Saturday!


Dear Friends, Come join us in Denver, CO at the beautiful Marriott Westminster this Saturday for the continuation of the best leading edge discussion ever! If you would like to join us in person, please [...]

Join Us In Denver, CO This Saturday!2014-08-20T13:43:34-05:00

July 2014

Meet Abraham in Woodland Hills!


Dear Friends, For years when trying to explain something particularly wonderful, or funny, I have finished my explanation with the words, “You had to be there,” because sometimes there is just no way of making [...]

Meet Abraham in Woodland Hills!2014-07-23T14:16:39-05:00



Dear Friends, We have a handful of cabins remaining for the Canary Islands cruise, but in just four days we will be releasing them back into Celebrity’s pool of cabins and we will no longer [...]

CANARY ISLANDS — 4 Days Left!2014-07-18T11:53:01-05:00

San Francisco! Here We Come!


Dear Friends, We are happily anticipating the convergence of a group of leading-edge thinkers and Abraham in San Francisco, CA (Millbrae) this coming Saturday. Our love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry) If you would like [...]

San Francisco! Here We Come!2014-07-18T11:51:46-05:00

June 2014

Meeting up with you on this amazing unfolding path?


Dear Friends, We have a couple of extra fun weeks coming up! We are going to be in Portland for our annual Abraham-Hicks Portland workshop this coming Saturday and then a few days later we’ll [...]

Meeting up with you on this amazing unfolding path?2014-06-25T15:58:17-05:00

Caribbean, Abraham and You???


Dear Friends, Next spring we're boarding a ship in Florida and heading for the beautiful Caribbean. It would be wonderful if you can join us, but in any event, take a look at these gorgeous [...]

Caribbean, Abraham and You???2014-06-23T13:22:15-05:00

Leading-edge Convergence in Denver, CO This Saturday!


Dear Friends, We are happily anticipating the convergence of a group of leading-edge thinkers and Abraham in Denver, CO this coming Saturday. If you would like to join us in person, please click here. If [...]

Leading-edge Convergence in Denver, CO This Saturday!2014-06-21T09:23:38-05:00
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