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So far admin has created 512 blog entries.

November 2015

Abraham Will Help You Catch Up With Yourself In Atlanta This Saturday!


Dear Friends, In recent conversations between Abraham and our co-creative audiences Abraham is helping us to understand what “looking forward” really is. I am beginning to understand that our Inner Beings (i.e. Abraham, Source, etc.) [...]

Abraham Will Help You Catch Up With Yourself In Atlanta This Saturday!2015-11-10T11:19:11-05:00

October 2015

Abraham In Boston, MA and Westchester, NY This Weekend!


Dear Friends, Our Abraham-Hicks Publications team will be descending on Boston, MA (Saturday—Oct 10th) and Westchester, NY (Sunday—Oct 11th) for what will be amazing Abraham events. I know THAT for sure. As I watched the [...]

Abraham In Boston, MA and Westchester, NY This Weekend!2015-10-06T14:25:05-05:00

September 2015

Abraham Westchester Event CANCELLED For This Saturday


Dear Friends, I awakened with an uneasy feeling this morning and then became aware of the heavy rain and wind warnings for the east coast. I wondered if we should just sit tight and imagine [...]

Abraham Westchester Event CANCELLED For This Saturday2015-09-30T12:11:18-05:00

Abraham-HIcks Alaskan Cruise 2016!


Dear Friends, There are so many beautiful places in this world, and so many spectacular cruise itineraries, but I know for certain that there is none more spectacular than this Celebrity Alaskan Cruise! In my [...]

Abraham-HIcks Alaskan Cruise 2016!2015-09-25T13:30:20-05:00

Abraham-Hicks Alaskan Cruise 2016!


Dear Friends, There are so many beautiful places in this world, and so many spectacular cruise itineraries, but I know for certain that there is none more spectacular than this Celebrity Alaskan Cruise! In my [...]

Abraham-Hicks Alaskan Cruise 2016!2015-09-25T13:28:57-05:00

Abraham in Chicago this coming Saturday!


Dear Friends, I am so happy to be meeting so many of our old and new Abraham friends in Chicago this coming Saturday. We’ll be in a new part (new to me) of Chicago and [...]

Abraham in Chicago this coming Saturday!2015-09-22T15:14:09-05:00

Abraham will be in Austin, TX this Saturday!


Dear Friends, I am so excited to be returning to Austin, TX. It's been a long while since we've held a workshop there. Come play with us if you can by clicking here! Our love, [...]

Abraham will be in Austin, TX this Saturday!2015-09-15T14:18:38-05:00

August 2015

Abraham Returns To Phoenix This Saturday!


It is my favorite thing to return to Phoenix for our Abraham seminar this coming Saturday. Jerry and I lived there when we first got married, and that is the city where we first met [...]

Abraham Returns To Phoenix This Saturday!2015-08-26T12:20:35-05:00

Another Spectacular Adventure With Abraham!


Hi Everyone, I am so eager about our South Pacific cruise. It feels somehow like refreshment at the deepest level to explore beautiful places that look and feel so different from what we have become [...]

Another Spectacular Adventure With Abraham!2015-08-18T12:37:27-05:00

Abraham In San Diego This Saturday!


Abraham is in San Diego this coming Saturday Dear Friends, The song “California Here We Come” is ringing in my ears, and in my heart! We’ll be in San Diego this weekend for another spectacular [...]

Abraham In San Diego This Saturday!2015-08-12T15:02:33-05:00
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