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So far admin has created 508 blog entries.

November 2020

A B R A H A M live broadcast happening this coming Saturday 11/21/20!


Dear Friends, I've been doing my intending, as Abraham suggested, before I go to sleep every night. It's the idea of "getting out ahead" of tomorrow. I thought just a few, gentle, easy-flowing thoughts [...]

A B R A H A M live broadcast happening this coming Saturday 11/21/20!2020-11-17T12:01:28-05:00

A B R A H A M will answer more questions this coming Saturday 11/14/20


Dear Friends, Many of you have already registered for the broadcast with Abraham coming up on Saturday, and your delicious questions are pouring in. I think it is such a wonderful thing that we [...]

A B R A H A M will answer more questions this coming Saturday 11/14/202020-11-11T12:04:47-05:00

October 2020

A B R A H A M ‘S MESSAGE TO US about the election


Dear Friends,   Every now and again, things converge in such a way that you just can't help but move immediately to do something. And that's how I am feeling right now about sending [...]

A B R A H A M ‘S MESSAGE TO US about the election2020-10-31T16:59:51-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W November Broadcast Schedule!


Dear Friends, Focus has become my best friend. I'll bet it is the same for you. It is so easy these days to become swept up in awareness of unpleasant things that make us [...]

A B R A H A M N O W November Broadcast Schedule!2020-10-29T11:04:43-05:00



Dear Friends, Whenever I write a note to you, and direct it to your inbox, I always want it to be something that is of value to you. If you are able or wanting [...]

A B R A H A M LIVE BROADCAST LANDING THIS SATURDAY 10/31/20!2020-10-27T11:23:31-05:00

A B R A H A M broadcast — send your questions!


Dear Friends, This week I experienced two significant water leaks in two different buildings in two different places and someone said to me, "Well, one more is coming, because those things happen in threes." [...]

A B R A H A M broadcast — send your questions!2020-10-21T11:07:58-05:00

August 2022

ABRAHAM NOW this Saturday, AND the birth of the Hot Seat!


Dear Friends, Abraham recently told the story to the Denver workshop audience about the day the Hot Seat was born. Before that, Jerry had a small microphone that he was taking into the audience [...]

ABRAHAM NOW this Saturday, AND the birth of the Hot Seat!2022-08-17T12:31:18-05:00

March 2024

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