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So far admin has created 508 blog entries.

March 2021

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this Saturday, 3/20/21


Dear Friends, I have been deliberately savoring my involvement in things lately. I realized that for much of my life one of the dominate driving factors in my daily experience has been to see [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this Saturday, 3/20/212021-03-17T13:02:03-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast next Saturday 03/13/21. WOW!


Dear Friends, We are having the best discussions on the Abraham Now broadcasts! I just cannot explain how much appreciation I have that we are able to continue our Abraham dialogue with so many [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast next Saturday 03/13/21. WOW!2021-03-10T13:09:13-05:00

February 2021

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday 2/27/21


Dear Friends, Last week was quite a week! Not an easy one to get my thoughts around. I was (and am still) in California, while many dear friends and staff and family were right [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday 2/27/212021-02-24T12:28:26-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this Saturday, 2/20/21


Dear Friends, You are probably hearing about the below zero temperatures in Texas and the severe power outages, but I just talked with Marc (I call him my IT guy) and he feels certain [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this Saturday, 2/20/212021-02-17T11:50:59-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W next broadcast 2/13/21


Dear Friends, I used to love to sit with Jerry following an Abraham workshop and read through the notes he had taken. He had some codes he had established through the years that would [...]

A B R A H A M N O W next broadcast 2/13/212021-02-10T12:50:20-05:00

More clarifying perspective from A B R A H A M this Saturday, 2/6/21


Dear Friends, This coming Saturday, February 6, Abraham will address you with answers to the things that are on your minds right now. I am so impressed with, and happy for, the technology of [...]

More clarifying perspective from A B R A H A M this Saturday, 2/6/212021-02-03T11:58:33-05:00

January 2021

Upcoming A B R A H A M Broadcasts!


Dear Friends, The night before last it rained a lot and the wind blew hard. Many things around my place blew to new places. As I looked out the windows, I really thought my [...]

Upcoming A B R A H A M Broadcasts!2021-01-27T12:06:53-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast coming January 23, 2021


Dear Friends, Nearly a year ago I sent the following message to you, announcing our next workshop (which never happened): I was listening to the recording from the most recent workshop and feeling such [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast coming January 23, 20212021-01-20T17:13:14-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast Saturday 1/16/21


Dear Friends, This coming Saturday, January 16, 2021 we will broadcast another Abraham Now. I started to say that these broadcasts are the highlight of my week, but it feels much bigger than that. [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast Saturday 1/16/212021-01-13T12:03:38-05:00
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