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So far admin has created 504 blog entries.

November 2021

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/20/21


Dear Friends, I have decided that I am a big fan of focus. I can find no downside, at all, to the act of focusing (well, that is, unless I am focused on unwanted). [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/20/212021-11-17T12:03:38-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/13/21


Dear Friends, I actually have quite a bit I need/should do today. I have been mostly inactive for a couple of weeks since shingles bubbled up and took me down. Did I suggest to [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/13/212021-11-09T11:49:30-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/6/21


Dear Friends, I am so glad to let you know that we will broadcast another live Abraham Now discussion this coming Saturday, November 6, 2021. I am really looking forward to this. If you [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, 11/6/212021-11-03T11:31:27-05:00

October 2021



Dear Friends, This coming Saturday we will broadcast another Abraham NOW workshop. I feel extra eager about it!  I feel so fortunate that while we are living these incredibly fast-paced lives, with so much [...]

A B R A H A M NOW LIVE BROADCAST, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 20212021-10-20T11:53:51-05:00

September 2021

Correction: A B R A H A M N O W this coming Saturday, 10/2/21


Dear Friends, I've been saying for a while now, that I am a pointer. I have been enjoying making decisions and then pointing at results and the Universe has been helping me out in [...]

Correction: A B R A H A M N O W this coming Saturday, 10/2/212021-09-29T10:30:29-05:00

Upcoming A B R A H A M N O W broadcast, Saturday, 9/25/21


Dear Friends, I woke up this morning with the realization that over the past few months, I’ve been on a road trip, on multiple airplanes, on a cruise ship for our Alaskan Cruise, in [...]

Upcoming A B R A H A M N O W broadcast, Saturday, 9/25/212021-09-22T13:54:17-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast, Saturday, 9/18/21


Dear Friends, Abraham has been saying that satisfaction comes from only one place: Having a desire and moving in the direction of that desire. I really get that. Recently I have noticed how much [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast, Saturday, 9/18/212021-09-15T11:17:19-05:00

August 2021

A B R A H A M N O W Broadcast this coming Saturday 8/7/21


Dear Friends, I like to send a note to you a few days before each of our Abraham NOW broadcasts, in part to remind you that it is happening and in part to get [...]

A B R A H A M N O W Broadcast this coming Saturday 8/7/212021-08-04T11:22:27-05:00

July 2021

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, July 31, 2021


Dear Friends, I am noticing every broadcast brings new clarity to me and your emails are letting me know that it is happening to you, too. The actual experience of the workshop undoubtedly is [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this coming Saturday, July 31, 20212021-07-27T16:47:59-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this coming Saturday 7/24/21


Dear Friends, I like to send a note to you on Wednesday prior to each Abraham NOW Saturday broadcast so that you can decide if you want to join us — and even more, [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast this coming Saturday 7/24/212021-07-21T11:26:55-05:00
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