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So far admin has created 504 blog entries.

May 2022

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast happening this coming Thursday, May 26, 2022


Dear Friends, We just returned from the spectacularly beautiful city of Amsterdam and the delicious people from over 60 different countries who co-created with us in our workshop. I am completely refreshed! What a [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast happening this coming Thursday, May 26, 20222022-05-24T11:15:53-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast, Saturday, May 14, 2022


Dear Friends, This coming Saturday, May 14, 2022, we will broadcast Abraham NOW. Then the next week we are travelling to Amsterdam for our long-awaited, and eagerly-awaited workshop and so there will be no [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast, Saturday, May 14, 20222022-05-11T10:20:24-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast, this Saturday, May 7, 2022


Dear Friends, This coming Saturday, May 7, 2022, we will broadcast from San Antonio another ABRAHAM NOW workshop. You keep telling us (and I know it, too) that these workshops are evolving at an [...]

A B R A H A M N O W broadcast, this Saturday, May 7, 20222022-05-04T10:49:26-05:00

April 2022

A B R A H A M N O W this Saturday, 4/30/22


Dear Friends, I am fascinated at the consistency of the Law of Attraction. I am convinced more every day of what Abraham has been telling us: "Everything is always working out for me." And [...]

A B R A H A M N O W this Saturday, 4/30/222022-05-02T09:50:36-05:00

A B R A H A M NOW broadcast this Saturday, 4/23/22


Dear Friends, As I sat to write this message this morning I thought, "I am really busy." What I meant was, "There are many things I need to tend to today and I'd better [...]

A B R A H A M NOW broadcast this Saturday, 4/23/222022-04-20T10:24:20-05:00



Dear Friends, I am loving our Abraham NOW broadcasts! In every broadcast your questions are bringing about more leading-edge conversation and clarification. You can see what I mean by taking a look at this [...]

VIEW FREE VIDEO CLIP OF A B R A H A M N O W broadcast!2022-04-13T11:04:38-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast, Saturday, 4/9/22


Dear Friends, I am really looking forward to your questions for Abraham for the Abraham NOW broadcast happening this coming Saturday, 4/9/22. These conversations are amazing to me, as I feel the co-creation between [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast, Saturday, 4/9/222022-04-06T13:40:11-05:00

March 2022

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast, Saturday, 4/2/22


Dear Friends, I am really enjoying "feeling" my way through things as I am "thinking" about them. And the best part of this new deliberate emphasis in my approach to things is that I [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast, Saturday, 4/2/222022-03-30T09:58:30-05:00

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this Saturday, March 26, 2022


Dear Friends, Are you noticing that your life reflects back to you things that exactly match the way you are trending? This should not be a surprise to me given Abraham has been explaining [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live broadcast this Saturday, March 26, 20222022-03-23T11:37:07-05:00

February 2022

A B R A H A M N O W live, this coming Saturday, March 19, 2022


Dear Friends, I played a fun game with myself this morning. The game is: In what ways could my life be better? I was a little surprised that a rather long list came streaming [...]

A B R A H A M N O W live, this coming Saturday, March 19, 20222022-03-16T11:12:54-05:00
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