Ask And It Is Given Perpetual Flip Calendar
Those who are not yet aware of the powerful Stream of Well-Being that flows to each of us from the Non-physical find the utilization of this Ask and It is Given Calendar irrationally powerful. When you do not understand the power behind it, it almost seems magical. However, it is not magic. It is the natural result of you tapping into the loving stream of Non- Physical Energy that has come forth onto these pages in response to the asking of millions of people.
We love this calendar, and feel so much appreciation for the way this focused Energy enhances our lives, and we are so happy that you now can begin to receive the benefit of its power.
The calendar is spiral bound for durability and functionality and it’s hard board cover folds out into a convenient triangular desk top display to allow hands-free creating. Have fun with this!
This flip calendar is so inspiring. I keep it on my desk and read it each morning before work. It is a great way to start the day
and if I need further motivation, I read it again at different times during the day. I am so glad I ordered it. Thanks to Esther and Jerry Hicks for once more sharing Abraham with everyone. I have learned so much from reading all your books and from the website. Great Calendar.
Susan Lusignan