Dear Friends,
Often in the late afternoon and evenings you will see brilliantly colored, happiness inspiring, hot air balloons up overhead. They lift off north of us not far from I-5 and land not far from where we live. After enjoying the balloons from the ground for months we decided to take a ride and we had a wonderful few hours floating over this beautiful land with our kids and grandkids. The trip was glorious but the most amazing thing was that our Wizard of Oz pilot landed the balloon precisely where he intended. The ground crew knew exactly where he would land and was there waiting when we landed.
“How do you steer this thing?” we all wanted to know.
The pilot explained that you don’t really steer it at all. He works with the natural wind currents to guide the balloon. By raising or lowering the balloon, sometimes even just the slightest bit, he would find just the right wind current to move in the desired direction. No force, no effort – only a series of minor altitude adjustments along the way.
Isn’t that just the perfect metaphor for the ease and flow that Abraham talks about? Our balloon basket held ten of us – closely, but our meeting room will allow us to soar to new heights in much larger numbers. So if you’d like to lift off with us in the San Diego workshop this Saturday (August 20th), you can call the office (830-755-2299) to register.
We’ll also be broadcasting world wide LIVE, again, so that our global friends can also "catch the current" of the San Diego workshop. If you’d like to get Abraham LIVE on your computer, you can Click Here. As Jerry often says, "Onward and Upward – Up, Up and away!"
Our Love,
Jerry & Esther