Dear Friends,

Abraham has been encouraging us to “focus the feeling” when we want to find alignment and therefore empowerment. They say (and I have proven it to myself) that trying to think my way through things often invites scattered thoughts which causes split energy or resistance.

For the last several days I have been focusing on the feeling of interest. “That is an interesting idea,” or “I am really interested in this,” or “I wonder…”

I like thinking about (I mean feeling about) the upcoming Abraham Now broadcast. I am truly fascinated at the breadth and depth of the questions that are submitted, and even more interesting is how Abraham reads every email submission, watches every video submission, and then chooses with deftness and clarity and efficiency those that will make up this broadcast. And then what feels to me like pure magic … off we go into an incredible discussion where every facet of those that were chosen (and also those that were submitted but not chosen) become the perfect make-up of an incredible discussion. Marc and I marvel every single week at the wonder of theses broadcasts. I am incredibly thankful for your contribution to these on-line events.

If you would like to join us, click here!

With much love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)