Dear Friends,

It’s early Tuesday morning and it feels really good to turn my attention in the direction of our next Abraham NOW broadcast which will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, November 29th.

I have been hearing from others (and saying myself) “time is really going fast these days” but this morning I have a very different feeling about the passing of time. It isn’t passing, as in getting away from us. Instead, time is presenting itself in continuing new lovely packets of opportunities to explore and discover and become. In this refreshing, jolting, exhilarating moment I am feeling so much appreciation for each new segment of time. And right now, time feels endless to me. I think I’m getting my first conscious whiff of what “eternity” feels like, and, I like it.

If you would like to join us in this next co-creative experience with Abraham, click here.

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

PS:  VIDEO and WRITTEN questions must be submitted by 4:00 PM CT the day before the Abraham NOW broadcast.