Dear Friends,
After beta testing, adjusting, and beta testing again, we are excited to announce the first official global Abraham LIVE internet broadcast! (We think we can literally hear the cheers around the world.) Approximately one workshop per month will be earmarked for LIVE broadcast and we will notify you in advance when each of these events is confirmed.
This first Abraham LIVE event will be broadcast in real-time from the Vortex of Creation Workshop in Phoenix, AZ, USA on Saturday, April 9th, 9:00 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. PT. Those who attend the Abraham LIVE broadcast will be part of the worldwide cyber audience, and will be able to view the entire Phoenix workshop in the comfort of their own homes, wherever they are on planet earth, via their computer.
We have some website pages set up to help you understand more about the Abraham LIVE broadcasts and to register for this groundbreaking (or should we say cyberspace-breaking) event:

Participant Reviews of the Abraham LIVE Experience

Jerry and Esther Hicks, law of attraction, vortex of attractionIt’s difficult to describe the feelings of expansiveness and global connection that the LIVE broadcasts have produced in both the virtual and in-person audiences already. We can only imagine how those feelings will intensify when the largest audience ever assembled for a single Abraham workshop convenes on Saturday morning. We have goosebumps just thinking about it.

We are pleased as we can be to be able to provide this unprecedented access to the leading edge messages of Abraham. It feels like the next logical step, don’t you agree?

Our Love,

Jerry & Esther