Dear Friends,
I’m writing to share some updates with you regarding our Abraham Now Livestream Broadcasts.
As we move into October, I’m so thrilled with the positive response and momentum I feel from each broadcast. It amazes me how our technology allows us to receive questions from all over the world so easily. Abraham carefully sifts through them to find the precise combination of questions that they feel will have the greatest value to those participating. I have personally truly enjoyed reading your personal stories of how these broadcasts have helped you calibrate and grow. I love the ongoing weekly insights and leading-edge perspectives from Abraham. This email is to let you know we are going to continue to offer these Saturday workshops via Livestream each Saturday for the month of October. If you would like to join us, click here!
My staff has been compiling the questions/topics that Abraham has answered from all of our August and September broadcasts so we can provide those on our website. We have posted these questions/topics to the Abraham Now STORE page for those of you that have missed a broadcast or are just now learning about these broadcasts. Click here to access the replay offerings!
Our love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)
P.S. Just a reminder that if you have a ticket for a postponed “in-person” workshop and you would like to use that credit to watch one or more of these broadcasts, OR you would like to request a refund, OR you prefer to transfer your ticket to another event down the road, please send an email to my wonderful staff at and they will be glad to help you.