Dear Friends,

For years, we planned our hotel ballroom route to follow the great weather. There is something so wonderful about the feeling of the contrast of weather.  We always started up north on the east coast in the fall and then followed the fall colors southward all the way down the coast. In the spring we did the opposite. We started south and followed the spring flowers and blossoming trees northward. So we had weeks of peak weather every year.

We are following the best weather for our cruises, too. When it is hot most places, we go to Alaska for a week. So refreshing! And in March when much of the world is emerging from winter, we will go to the sunny Caribbean.  So next March, I know I will be eager to board this beautiful ship for 9 delicious days with all of you! We will have the best time and my favorite part is lots of seminar time in conversation with Abraham. What a wonderful life we are living.

If you would like to join us, click here!

I love you so much,
(and Abraham and Jerry)