Dear Friends,
Focus has become my best friend. I’ll bet it is the same for you. It is so easy these days to become swept up in awareness of unpleasant things that make us feel uncomfortable and literally drain the life out of us. I do not want to be a person who adjusts or adapts to unpleasant thoughts and then to all of the unpleasant things that inevitably follow.
I have never lived in a time when focus mattered more. I also believe that I have never lived in a time when there was more potential for feeling happy and in love with life.
Since August we have been broadcasting online Saturday workshops where Abraham is answering the questions that you are sending in by email. Questions about relationships, health, money, parenting, career, death, meditations, and, and, and. Such great questions!
I can feel Abraham understanding you even beyond what you have written in your email and I continue to be amazed at the power and depth of their understanding and love. It’s like the very act of your focus, even if you don’t submit your questions, becomes part of the mix. I’ll never be able to understand how it all works fully, but I am thankful every day that we get to do this together.
If you would like to join us for any of our November broadcasts, click here!
Our love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)