Dear Friends,
Whenever I write a note to you, and direct it to your inbox, I always want it to be something that is of value to you. If you are able or wanting to join us in the broadcast or not, my desire is always to add something valuable to your experience.
So as I was sitting with my laptop on my lap, waiting for inspiration for my note to you, a large hawk swooped up from the valley below my house, glided across the pool deck with a posture that as best as I can describe it to you, looked like a bird flying toward my house, and while in flight, trying to put the brakes on. I heard his claws, scrape across my very large window, and then the bird landed with a thud on my pool deck. I didn’t move because I didn’t want to startle him. He stood there, seemingly stunned for about two minutes. Then looked over his shoulder at me, stood there for about another minute, and then, lifted off the deck and flew out across the valley. So nice.
And then, my next thought was to open my email box where your questions for next Saturdays workshop are being directed, and to open the email that had just landed in my inbox. Here is the opening paragraph of that email:
Hello Abraham, I just watched your Oct 24 broadcast and I reached such heights of appreciation. Your message of “look at where you landed and feel better from there” is exactly what I needed to hear. I have asked a similar question before, but this time it comes from a higher vibration…
I think about how often life can land us with a “THUD” because of something we are living, or feels like it is “living us,” and how easy it is to feel the pain of our uncomfortable landing and then to continue to hang around in that discomfort. And how Abraham’s recent conversation in the last several broadcasts has been about asking ourselves, “Where did this subject land me on the Emotional Scale?” They are encouraging us to land, acknowledge how we are feeling, which is to say: “Notice where you landed. Own what you are feeling. Now reach for the next emotion up on the Emotional Guidance Scale.” It is such a powerful tool!
And then, just to punctuate the point further for me, I get to see this bird, that for whatever reason was not in his usual control of his flight, who landed hard, and uncomfortably on my deck. And then stood there as if he were “owning” where he was, and making the next deliberate decision about what to do next, reclaiming his balance and sense of well being, and then off he went to enjoy his morning flight. And then, I am not kidding you, he just now, circled back around my house, landed smoothly on my deck, in the same spot, and looked back through the window at me as if to say, “did you get that?”
I got it! This wonderful Universe is continually, lovingly, helping me to get it, and get it, and get it!
And so, if you would like to join us for this upcoming Saturday broadcast, click here!
Our love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)
(and whoever this lovely bird is)
(probably Jerry, he so loves hawks)
PS – Please submit your questions for this broadcast by 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time the day before the broadcast. Instructions on how to access the email address will be included in your purchase email.